
pool troopers | Pool Troopers - Part 3


Swimming Pool History in the USA

For many years, Americans have been in love with swimming pools. Cities boast public pools. YMCAs, colleges and aquatic centers offer classes and train competitive swimmers. Backyard pools, however, rank highest in people's affections, offering fun and relaxation to the…
Pool Troopers
February 25, 2019
Water Safety

Aquatic Therapy for Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects communication and interaction skills. Children with Autism often have specific dietary needs, medications and therapy in order to provide the autistic child with tools to help him or her overcome the challenges faced…
Pool Troopers
January 30, 2019
Water Chemistry

Algae: Can it Damage Your Pool?

Homeowners put substantial money, time and effort into creating a friendly, stylish backyard for their families. A pool can be the key ingredient for the perfect backyard. However, a pool can become very uninviting once algae take over.   Algae…
Pool Troopers
January 3, 2019