Is Your Pool Ready for Pollen Season?

By July 20, 2017 January 23rd, 2020 Cleaning & Maintenance

Allergy Season Preparation for Swimming Pools

The United States is hitting high levels on the tree pollen forecast. Oak is the main culprit, leaving a green covering on everything outside, along with the male catkins that look like green worms. When pollen season hits, it is time to make sure your pool is ready for spring and the associated pollen that comes with it. Here are some spring pool cleaning tips to ensure your pool is ready for the coming months.

  • Annual filter service or replacement
    This is a great time to have your filters serviced to get ready for the summer swim season. Have your sand, DE or cartridge pool filters serviced or replaced to ensure that they are performing at the highest level.
  • Inspect baskets
    Your baskets need to be working at an optimal level for the spring and summer months. Baskets should be cleaned regularly during the heavy pollen season, replacing any that are broken or not functioning properly.
  • Equipment Inspection
    All your pool equipment should be inspected and serviced before heading into late spring and summer. Inspect and service your pump lid and filter O-rings, drain covers, valve function, motor, and pressure gauge. Plus, make sure all safety equipment such as non-shock cards are working and in good condition.

The best way to get ready for spring, summer and high pollen counts is to contact us at Pool Troopers for an annual pool service or full-service pool cleaning. Our professional technicians can clean and inspect your pool to get it in tip-top shape for the months to come. We will thoroughly clean your pool, not “spot clean” it like many other pool services, all with no contracts and our worry-free guarantee.