Swimming Pools: Top 10 Costly Mistakes Pool Owners Make

By March 3, 2020 September 3rd, 2021 Cleaning & Maintenance

If you are a pool owner, simple mistakes can cost you when it comes to maintaining and servicing your swimming pool. Be wary of 10 common, but costly mistakes you can easily make as a pool owner and consider hiring a reputable pool service to remove any risk of occurrence. For homeowners that live in Florida, Texas or Arizona, Pool Troopers is the best solution to fix and prevent such problems. Don’t let common conundrums with your pool end up costing you a fortune in repairs later.

The top 10 costly mistakes you might be making with your pool are:

1. Not Testing Enough

A lot of homeowners are guilty of not testing their pool water frequently enough. To properly treat the water with pool chemicals, you will need to test the water for total chlorine, free chlorine, pH and alkalinity levels. These measurements will dictate how much to add to the water, as well as how long you need to wait before using the pool. If the pool needs to be shocked due to algae, you will need to wait a period of up to 24-48 hours (or longer) before you can get in the pool after treatment. A lot of things can influence the chemical balance that exists in the water; the best way to prevent problems is to hire a local and reputable pool service to address testing for you.

2. Incorrect Chlorination

Are you chlorinating your water correctly? Many pool owners are not; incorrectly chlorinating a pool can cause health risks, including sore eyes and itchy skin. Read chlorinating products carefully and only chlorinate based on the pool manufacturer’s recommendations. If you’re tired of buying, transporting and storing dangerous chlorinating chemicals, talk to your pool professionals about service or options like salt-water swimming pools. These typically remove the need for adding additional chlorine and could be less irritating to allergies or sensitivities.

3. Forgetting the Baskets and Filter

Don’t forget to clean your pool’s baskets and filter. Baskets are designed to remove large debris at the skimmer and then again in front of the pump. The filter then polishes the water removing smaller particles and debris. When debris, like leaves, gets caught in the baskets, the pump works harder which may burn out the motor. This could be a costly fix that is completely preventable. Check and clean the baskets and filter frequently and encourage anyone using the pool to rinse off their feet before entering the water; it really does make a difference in keeping the pool cleaner.

4. Letting Water Escape

Keep your eye on the water level of your pool, particularly if it seems like water is escaping. If you let the water level in your pool get too low, water won’t fill the skimmer and the pool pump will suck air causing it to lose prime. Water can escape through people getting in and out, splashing, and evaporation as well as leaks and from backwashing. Fill the pool a little higher to allow for these situations; there is no risk in having the pool slightly overfilled and this will be a good buffer to guard against excessive evaporation.

5. Not Cleaning the Pool Properly

If you clean the pool incorrectly, you run the risk of swimming in an unsafe pool. Organic debris that is not removed will be attacked by the chlorine in your pool – no big deal right….Wrong! If the chlorine is working on bleaching out the leaves you didn’t clean from the pool, it may not be available to kill harmful bacteria and viruses that get introduced to your water. Keep a clean pool and blue clear water. Don’t swim if there is excessive debris, algae, or cloudy water- these could all be indications of an unsafe pool!

6. Skipping Pool Rules

Do yourself- and anyone who uses the pool- a favor and set up pool rules. This may sound silly, but don’t tolerate behavior that could be damaging to the pool or hazardous to others. For example, encourage adult users to only jump in the deep end of the water and never any diving which could be hazardous unless your pool is built for it. Just as your home has certain ‘rules’, set some guidelines for both your family and those that visit your home, when it comes to the pool. A pool has the potential to be dangerous when it is not used respectfully; don’t tolerate behaviors that put others at risk- it is that simple.
Regular bathroom breaks for younger and some older users is a good rule to start with!

7. Turning Off the Pump

Are you running the pool’s pump enough? Plan on running it for at least eight to ten hours a day during warm weather. Shutting it off to save energy costs is unwise and should be avoided. The pump is needed consistently to circulate the pool water and prevent the growth of algae; turning the pump off creates a stagnant pool that could be fostering bacteria. You know the green stains that you often see along the waterline of a swimming pool? That is algae; it is slippery, a home for bacteria, and could stain the facade of your pool.

The goal is to get all the pool water through the filter system at least twice a day in the swim season and more if you have a heavy use or high temperatures. Turning the system to run less than 8-10 hours will mean your pool water is not being sent through the filter enough.

8. Forgetting a Fence

Failure to contain your pool area with a secure fence could be more than costly; it could be dangerous and life-threatening. Fences keep animals and children away from the water for safety reasons. The laws vary from state to state, but typically, homeowners are required to have a fence that is at least four-feet high completely around their swimming pool; call your local municipality to make sure you are in adherence to local laws. Failure to fence-in your pool properly could result in someone breaching your property and end in tragic circumstances.

9. Failing to prepare for cold weather

Even though we live in the milder climates of Florida, Texas, or Arizona, we still occasionally get freezing temperatures for sustained periods. If you are in a market that can suffer cold at or near freezing for several days, you need to prepare your pool with a freeze protection time clock override. Each fall make sure to avoid potential problems and repairs by having your pool’s system checked before winter. A freeze protection device automatically turns your pool on when temperatures are near freezing, this moves the water in your pool and keeps the pipes from freezing. Talk to your pool service professional to protect your pool from wintertime elements.

10. Simple Neglect of the Pool

Probably the most common mistake that pool owners make is to simply neglect it. Skip cleaning the pool, and you will be left with a shoddy pool that is more hassle than enjoyment. The best way to maintain a pool is with consistent cleaning and testing of the pool. Check your water chemistry and use chemicals as directed to ensure that the water is not a health hazard. Make life easier with regular service from a pool professional in the area that has expertise in handling the potential issues and problems that accompany a swimming pool. It is well worth the related costs to have a dependable and regular service tech visit your pool and take care of these issues for you.

When you take care of your swimming pool, it can become a coveted feature of your property that adds value to your entire property! Neglecting your pool creates a health risk and eyesore that nobody wants to swim in.

Is your pool suffering from one of these common conditions? Pool Troopers is your best solution to fix and prevent these mistakes. Don’t trust your pool and property to anyone except America’s Backyard heroes, a leader in pool management and pool services. The service technicians at Pool Troopers put emphasis on customer satisfaction and have been servicing clients since 1952. Call for more information or to schedule service today.