Physical Benefits of Swimming

By May 30, 2019 July 16th, 2019 Fitness

When you own a pool, you mostly use it for socializing. You invite your friends so you can all have fun under the sun while dipping in the water. However, your pool is not only for get-togethers and enjoyable moments. You can also take advantage of the physical benefits of swimming and turn your pool into a workout space.

For many people, swimming is a great way to stay fit. The activity is also helpful in building strength. However, its health benefits go beyond maintaining a good physique and improving strength, it can also be beneficial for your heart.

If you are among those who are not aware of why you should swim regularly, Pool Troopers is here to tout the benefits of a swimming lifestyle.

Swimming vs. Other Exercises

For many people, brisk walking is an exercise that is hard to beat. It is not only convenient but is also one of the healthiest activities that exist. You do not need to purchase any special equipment and you do not have to go to a special venue. You can take a brisk walk anywhere and anytime. Running is also great, as well as jogging and cycling. These are all activities that are good for the heart. 

However, there is one problem with them: not everyone can do these exercises. Some people have health issues and conditions that do not permit them to take a walk or go jogging. If you have achy knees, extra weight, or sore hips, you already know that running or even walking can be uncomfortable.

As an alternative, many people who want to get exercise turn to their pools instead. 

According to Harvard Health Publishing of the Harvard Medical School, exercising in water lets you burn as many calories as a brisk walk. Going for a swim in a warm indoor pool or even in an outdoor pool can be relaxing. It is an activity known to boost heart health. The huge benefit of it all is that it is a low-impact exercise. Therefore, it suits everyone, even those who do not regularly exercise and carry substantial body weight.

Positive Effects on the Heart

When you swim, you are performing a type of aerobic exercise. The aim of regularly doing this water activity is to improve strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. It is effective in improving how the cardiovascular system functions.

One great thing about it is that you will not tire easily simply because it is a fun activity. You need to frequently exercise in your pool to get the benefits for the heart, including:

1. The Impact on Heart Contractility

Heart contractility is the capacity of the heart muscles to squeeze themselves and relax. This process is important because it is when the heart pumps blood and oxygen, delivering it to the rest of the body. Contractility of the heart comes naturally but it can improve through regular water exercise.

As it enhances, the supply of oxygen and blood throughout the body also increases. Therefore, certain everyday tasks will become much easier to perform. You will notice improvement after only a week or so of regularly performing water exercises. The activities that leave you breathless will soon feel almost effortless to do.

According to the American Council on Exercise, you can improve heart contractility by going into your pool and working out in the water regularly. Again, these in pool activities do not bear weight, which is why they are perfect for those with joint issues. Even if you perform high-intensity exercises in the water, you will be more able to tolerate them than equivalent exercises on land. In pool workouts will promote a huge improvement in the ability of your cardiac muscles to contract and relax.

2. The Effect on Blood Pressure

Whenever you are in a perpendicular position, whether you are standing or walking, the heart is working harder than when you are laying down. For a healthy heart, this is normal.  If you have high blood pressure swimming can be a great way to start your exercise program.  

When you swim, you are in a horizontal position, rather than vertical. Therefore, the heart will not work as hard as when you run. As a result, blood pressure is much easier to keep in check. It is why this exercise is also recommended for those with high blood pressure.  Many researchers feel water pressure also aids in strengthening the cardiovascular system just by you being in the water!  

3. Change in a Person’s Heart Rate

As a form of aerobic exercise, you can swim to help lower your resting heart rate. Lowering your resting heart rate is a beneficial side effect to your Cardiovascular System from getting in better shape. Working out in the water will help improve the resting heart rate so that the heart muscles will work less when you are at leisure. It is a component in preventing the occurrence of heart diseases.

If you regularly get in the pool to exercise, you will also gain other benefits linked to your heart rate. Over time, you will see that your body can perform more work, in excess of what you are used to. It is due to the fact that when fit you place a lot less stress on the heart muscle.

4. The Efficiency of the Lungs

The lungs and the heart are connected. These two are in fact in the same system, the cardiovascular system. If you regularly swim, you can increase the efficiency of your lungs, as well as the strength of your diaphragm. 

Additionally, swimming can lead to an increase in the number of capillaries you have. The more capillaries you have, the better the bloodstream takes oxygen and carries its supply. These combined changes can efficiently improve how the body intakes oxygen, as well as its utilization and distribution.

As mentioned, you need to swim regularly to gain the mentioned benefits. Experts suggest you can see health improvements by swimming as little as 2.5 hours per week.  

Why is Swimming Good for the Heart?

Swimming is an aerobic exercise.  But you will gain benefits by simply being in the water, wading, walking in the shallow end, water aerobics, doing the backstroke or breaststroke, whatever you like will strengthen your heart and body. As the heart becomes stronger, it becomes better at pumping blood. Better blood flow throughout the body gives way to achieving a healthier you.

If you are not used to exercising or being physically active, you do not have to pressure yourself. You can take it easy as you swim. Just a few minutes in the water is much better than nothing at all. You can benefit from it even when you are just having fun with your friends or family. However, to truly see the health gains, you should perform the exercise as frequently as possible.

Taking at least 30 minutes a day can help you have a healthier heart. According to research, it can:

• Reduce coronary heart disease in women, leading to a 30% to 40% decrease in risk

• Lower blood pressure if you swim regularly

Protect your arteries, particularly the layers of cells that line the arteries, by keeping it in good shape

• Raise good cholesterol levels

An increase in good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL), drops the risk of dying from a heart attack. Every one percent increase in HDL is equivalent to about 3.5% of protection from heart disease.

When you swim, you work your whole body. This activity does not just focus on a single part. You can choose the most comfortable for you, whether it is a front crawl, butterfly, or backstroke. It is also suitable for all ages and even those who have not swum before.

Your pool is no longer just for special occasions. You can use it anytime to keep yourself healthy. Call Pool Troopers for a complete cleaning service to keep your pool a safe haven for your exercise and family fun!